Thursday, February 26, 2015

Empty Wishes

For the past years, on this very day of the Chinese lunar calendar, I will be at her place celebrating a tradition most Chinese practice in Malaysia especially the Chinese Hokkien community.

As an individual, I'm not a very religious person to be frank. But I do make wishes whenever I had the chance or when visiting Chinese temples. Birthday wishes were also part of them.

On this very day, we normally pray to the Jade emperor by giving offerings in return of good health and prosperity. People tend to make wishes either by praying or writing them down onto a paper lantern that will then set release to the sky.

For the past decade,y wishes were all the same. To marry her and start a family with her. Giving her a stable and peaceful life was all I wanted over the years of relationship.

Sadly, it never came through. Not anymore.

Tonight, sitting by the bedside alone, I can only wish for her health, career and happiness. Those are what matter most to me now.

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