Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Glimpse of the Missing Piece

The course of true love never did run smooth.
                                      William Shakespeare

It was on the 21st March, I last saw her. Being positioned myself as a hidden camera from the cabin of my friend's car was not what exactly how I wanted it to be. But I do not have a choice. Once a boyfriend and now someone who do not wished to be seen. Its like a free fall from the Burj Khalifa of Dubai.

The moment was an appointment between her and a close friend of mine whom I've trusted to deliver her the birthday present which was 12 days late. A handwritten lengthy letter, a Precious Thots figurine and a beautiful framed portrait of us in sketch were the presents that I've kept long enough before passing her via a friend on that very night.

I miss her from that one glimpse.
A glimpse is all it takes.

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